At Corrotec, we believe in creating, in building, and in providing opportunities for the people in our community to thrive.
Manufacturing Day is coming October 1st, 2021. This is a day dedicated to getting students interested in manufacturing by showing them some of the sophisticated plants in their area. As the labor shortage continues and manufacturing competes with every other industry for talented new workers, promoting manufacturing has never been more important. The Dayton Regional Manufacturing Association (DRMA) is one of the best regional groups at hosting open MFG Day open houses.

Corrotec has been in step with the MFG Day trend since 2016, hosting a high school internship program for juniors and seniors interested in manufacturing. These students have gotten hands-on experience in engineering and fabrication, produced great work, and provided a pipeline for new workers to join the company. It is a blueprint for a successful industry, and a successful organization.
In our continued effort to live our values, Corrotec is sponsoring a fundraiser and networking “Shop Talk” for the DRMA Foundation called “MFG Day Matters…to all Members”. Registration information here. The event is September 22nd at 4pm at Country Club of the North.
Whether you’re a DRMA member or not, please register and join us there to promote Dayton Manufacturing.